Special Inspections
Special Inspections include the review of selected materials, equipment, installation, fabrication, erection or placement of components and connections, to ensure compliance with the International Building Code (IBC). The special inspection can also verify that the materials and the completed building structure comply with the approved drawings, specifications and permit documents. These reviews can take place continuously in the area the work is being performed or periodically with intermittent observations in the area where the work has been or is being performed and at the completion of the work.
Engineering Solutions offers a wide range of special inspection services. Special inspection, mandated by nearly all codes for critical structural materials and systems, is distinguished from structural observation in that it is specific, detailed, and generally continuous. Our special Inspections offers our clients the added value of having an engineer present on the job site at critical stages during construction. ESI has staff members that hold ICBO code certification for special inspection and utilizes AWS certified welding inspectors for all of our special inspection projects.