Retaining Wall and Foundation Design
Retaining walls and foundations are the most critical portion of any structure and due care should be extended for proper design of these elements. Engineering Solutions provides design for various types of footings and retaining walls such as Segmental walls from various manufacturers, Cast-in-Place concrete walls, Masonry Block walls, and Railroad tie walls. Various municipalities require a retaining wall higher than 3′ to be designed by professional engineers in order to issue a permit for construction. Our design is carried out by our licensed structural engineers utilizing the latest design technology and software to provide the most efficient design possible for each project. In addition to design, we provide construction review of the projects which is a critical part of various retaining wall construction especially Segmental retaining walls. This review protects all members of the project team (i.e., the owner, design engineer, contractor) from inappropriate wall construction.
Poor wall construction is the one of the primary reasons retaining wall failures. Utilizing the construction review services from us will minimize this possibility.
The following wall elements should be verified by engineers prior to and during various wall construction:
- Foundation Materials and Preparation
- Drainage Aggregate
- Segmental Retaining Wall Blocks/Wall Facing
- Wall Backfill
- Wall reinforcement
- Drainage Aggregate
- Geogrid Reinforcement
- Geotextile and Drainage Pipe